
Our assistance service is the help you need regarding customs & excise activity of your business:

  • We help and support your staff during procedures, formalities, preparation of requests and appeals, fulfillment of obligations towards customs and tax authorities, by being involved actively and directly, aiming to protect the best interest of your business.
  • We perform for the account of your business procedures, formalities, face customs or tax authorities on your behalf, draft requests and appeals, while the staff of your company remains focused in business without wasting time in complicated administrative issues and for the implementation of which may not possess the necessary capacities.

Why you may need our assistance?

  • To delegate competence towards experts of the field, who protect your best interest;
  • To enforce the technical capacities of the staff of your company and to allow them remain focused in their day to day activity;
  • To have support while facing customs or tax authorities etc.

The area of customs & excise assistance:

  • Assistance regarding customs value, tariff and origin;
  • Acceleration of customs clearance formalities;
  • Conception and preparation of requests, appeals etc. for customs and tax authorities;
  • Assistance during customs inspections during clearance or post clearance, as well as during excise controls:
  • Preparation for customs & excise authorizations and following the procedure to obtain them;
  • Record keeping and periodical reporting to customs authorities, for customs and excise purposes;
  • Training of the staff of your company regarding customs & excise legislation that impacts your activity.